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The A.T.M.
Grant Writing & Consulting Corporation
Unlike some grant-writers, we do not charge hourly fees that often result in substantially higher billing. Instead, we work with our clients to assure that mutual obligations and responsibilities are clear. In keeping with the best practices and ethics of development and grant writing established by the Association of Fundraising Professionals (AFP) and the Grant Professionals Association (GPA), we do not work on a commission basis, and fees are never built into the grant reuest- this means that you keep 100% of your grant award. Fees are determined based on the scope of the project and/or application process, the research required, and the timeline.
*All services include official submission to grantor and follow up where applicable.
*Payment plans are available based on grant due date.
*For applications with less than 30 days notice, an additional $100 applies.
Payment plans:
The funding agency's respnse time for answering an application varies from as little as several weks to several
months. Spreading payment for services to parallel this time lapse is a logical and cost effective way to create
customized payment plans so that you can continue to focus on your organizational mission. The longer notice
we have to prepare your grant equates to time that you can take advantage of our payment plan.

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